Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quick! Find your happy place.

So I have one day left before summer vacation is over for me.  I really am looking forward to meeting a whole bunch of amazing, talented, excited 7th and 8th graders, so it's not that I'm sad that school is starting.  It's just that I really desperately wanted to go to my happy place for a day or two before the sun sets on those long, drawling days that have nothing on the schedule.  Problem is, I can't find it.  Not the schedule - my happy place.  I know it has water and lots of green, growing things and quiet, no exhaust or cars shushing past.  I think it has a breeze if I'm lucky and air so clean I can't breathe in deeply enough to catch it all.  It should have sand or grass and for sure, shade.  There is likely something I can prop my feet up on and a seat that can accommodate me for so long without any of my appendages falling asleep.  This isn't really a guessing game or anything.  I just don't have enough money to drive to Laguna with my camp chair, so I'm hunting for something closer.  Preferably, somewhere I can get to before Monday.


Note: So I really wanted to write tonight, but obviously I'm not in the zone - on any level.  But like a good writing student, I wrote anyway and then, even though I don't have time to edit now, I went back and crossed out all of the most apparent ickiness.  You know, those words I was supposed to have buried back in some 5th grade writing ritual when my teacher told me to never use them again?  So I'm begging for two things: a closer happy place, and a little help editing.  As a writing teacher, I would look at this and probably say to the writer: "Okay, now I want you to go back and write 2 more pages and bring it back."  (That's code for, I know you can do better - at least I'm praying you can.)

Other Note:  The point here is to recognize writing as a process, rather than always looking at it as an end product.  And maybe we'll have to delete this whole post and chalk it up to a little too real.  Let me know what you think.  heh.  :/

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